3 Kinds of Thinking Smarts: Leaders Need All 3

3 Kinds of Thinking Smarts: Leaders Need All 3

I remember a time when intelligence (critical thinking) was the undisputed champion of leadership capabilities. No surprise, since science proves that intelligence accounts for 20% of leadership success, far more than any other factor.  It’s a necessity for...
Leading in a Firestorm

Leading in a Firestorm

Dedicated to all the firefighters battling the blazes in the West, and the 14 Prineville Hotshots (memorialized in our city park) who lost their lives fighting the Colorado Storm King fire in 1994. We are building a log home near Prineville, 7 miles away from a...
“The self you know is hardly worth knowing.” Freud

“The self you know is hardly worth knowing.” Freud

If this is true, what’s a leader to do . . . to know one’s self?  No wonder my clients are confused about the information and tools they need to develop as leaders.   It is hard for them to choose how to gain self-knowledge when they are bombarded with so...